What’s the Fuss About Functional Medicine?

What’s the Fuss About Functional Medicine?

A doctor’s work is never done – especially when it comes to education. Discoveries and advancements in health care are happening all the time, and it’s critical to keep ahead of the curve to make sure I’m providing the best care to my patients at Evoke 5 Medical...
Detoxing for Clean Living

Detoxing for Clean Living

In today’s modern world, we are continually surrounded by chemicals and pollutants – no matter how clean we try to live. These toxins have detrimental effects on the entire body, including the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, reproductive and immune...
Introduction to IV Therapy

Introduction to IV Therapy

If you have your finger on the pulse of current health and wellness approaches, like we do at Evoke 5 Medical Center, chances are you’ve heard about IV therapy. This type of therapy delivers fluids, medications and nutrients directly into the bloodstream to support...